FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: All the Answers you need!
Where is ...................

Q. Where is Forest Hill Dance?
A. We are located in the Forest Hill/ Hickory Activities Center. Our physical address is Forest Hill/Hickory Activities Center, 2213 Commerce Road, Forest Hill, MD 21050. Please do not park in the drop off/pick up area. When entering the building use the door marked “OFFICES”. Studio A will be on your left side of the lobby. Studio B is down the hall on the right in the back of the building. All Studios are clearly marked. All parents/ guardians are asked to wait in the lobby when their dancer is in class.
How do I ................
Q How do I pay my class fees (registration, tuition, costume, performance fees)?
A. Log into the Parent Portal in Dance Studio Pro
Go to balance on left hand side or at the top Pay, online. You can view your statements on the pay screen as well. To update your student’s information, go to Students, click on your student’s name (in pink) This is where you can update your emergency contact information, phone numbers, allergy information etc. This is where you can add an additional student as well.
Money can be added to your dancer's account to "save"
for costume payment from October 1st to February 1st.
Q. How do I pay with a Check?
A. Make your check payable to FHRC. Write your dancers name in the memo on the check. Contact the Program chair at fhrdance@gmail.com for instructions on where to mail check.
**** A bounced check fee will apply if your check bounces. That fee will be added as a charge and entered into your parent portal in the Studio Director on your account. ****
Q. How do I reset my password for the in Dance Studio Pro?
A. Go to https://dancestudio-pro.com/online/
Hit the Forgot your password. The system will send a link to reset your password.
Who do I contact if .............


Q. Who do I contact if I accidentally delete my dancer’s pre-approved class?
A. Contact the chair at fhrdance@gmail.com
Q. Who do I contact if I have a question about what my dancer needs to wear to class? What kind of shoes to buy my dancer?
A. Please read the Class Descriptions & Dress Code found at https://www.foresthilldance.com/dance-attire on the website. If you cannot find the answer to your question, please email the chair at fhrdance@gmail.com
Q. Who do I contact if my child is sick or late to class or will miss a class?
A. Log into your parent portal, Go to Info, Attendance, Pick the student, the date, put in reason if you want to and submit or email fhrinstructors@gmail.com
Q. Who do I contact if my dancer has lost their shoes?
A. Contact the instructor. Frequently instructors find lonely, misplaced shoes left in the studio. The instructor places the lost shoes in the Lost and Found Box (located outside Studio B) **** to avoid any confusion, you should always have your dancers name on all of their dance gear – especially their shoes.
Q. Who do I contact if I want to volunteer?
A. Contact the Forest Hill Dance Chair at fhrdance@gmail.com